series: "Need&Greed"

NEED&GREED - 2018 - film, color, 09:12 min

Hands have no face and their language is universal.  In their gesture I found strong expressions. Water as an element of nature in constant movement and hands shadows floating in the water. They rise like whispering voices: „More and more is today's motto more of money … more of power … more of status, more from a relationship … more love … more contacts … more ... more ... more ... no end to this greed! ... …“ (Deepti Agarwal -

Voice: Helen MELON
Extracts of poems by Hebert LOGERIE - Akhtar JAVAD - Dave Alan WALKER - Hasmukh AMATHALAL - Aphrodite Anastasia MENEGAKI - THEOREM THE TRUTH SERUM - Eric COCKRELL - Winston HARDING - Rm. Shanmugam CHETTIAR - Deepti AGARWAL - Dr. Geeta Radhakrischna MENON


ARTspring 2018

NEED&GREED I, 2017 - Fotoinstallation  - 5x Photographie b&w - 2x mirrors à 30x40cm/50x65cm

     ND Photo Award 2017 - honorable mention in fine art: conceptual category


              Art Limited 2019

Need & Greed I

The digital black and white self-portrait ‘Need&Greed’ deals with the universal language of hands. In this work, my face is deliberately not visible, so that the focus shifts entirely to the hands, which become the primary means of expression. Through this minimalism, the artwork explores themes of human need, desire, greed and generosity.

The absence of a face detaches the portrait from personal identity, allowing the hands to speak on behalf of all humanity. Hands are universal - they communicate across all cultures and carry both the gentleness of a caress and the tension of a clenched fist. In this work, they tell a story about the delicate balance between the desire to have and the urge to give.

The black and white contrasts emphasise the duality of human existence. The hands with their gestures embody a language that goes beyond words. They reflect the contradictions of need and greed - hands that may seek help or hoard what they possess. But they are also means of connection, able to offer care, love and generosity.

‘Need&Greed’ conveys a message through simple means: that hands, though often overlooked, carry the weight of the human experience. They serve as a bridge between people, as a means of creation and destruction, of need and fulfilment. This work invites the viewer to reflect on the power of non-verbal communication and how hands, in their most vulnerable and expressive form, reveal the essence of being human.

Urheberrechten: paola telesca, 2016